for interested
No scientific reports, slides of choice
quality abaout collecting adventures and collecting journeys,
numerous pictures of minerals and fossils, of landscape and
"Macchie, Meer und
Mineralien" - collecting minerals on the island of Elba:
A report about all important mineral localities of
the island of Elba (for exampleTerranera, Barbarossa, Rio
Marina, Laghetto rosso, Calamita, pegmatites of the middle
of Elba), numerous pictures of minerals, landscape, nature.
"Searching for
minerals in the Tyrol": (without Zillertal)
Report about many well-known but also less known mineral
localities of the Tyrol (for example Brixlegg, Wipptal,
Oberinntal, Ötztal, Paznaun), beautiful pictures of
landscape and mountains, pictures of minerals.
"Collecting minerals
and fossils in South-Tyrol and Trentino": DIGITAL PRESENTATION -
Report about collecting journeys to South-Tyrol and to
bordered on Trentino (for example Seiser Alm, Langkofel,
Fassatal), especially attractive pictures of landscape,
minerals, fossils, alpine flora.
"Fossile locations
in the South of Germany": DIGITAL PRESENTATION
Report about collecting journeys to the South of
Germany - Fränkische and Schwäbische Alb, pictures of
Localities of fossils: Holzmaden, Blumberg -
Wutachgebiet, Altmühltal, area of Nürnberg - Fränkische
Schweiz, Neumarkt i. d. Opf., Altdorf, Sengenthal
journeys to the Toskana": DIGITAL PRESENTATION - NEW
Localities of minerals (for example Roccastrada,
Venturina, Colline metallifiere, Pitigliano, Le Cetine,
Valle Temperino), ancient mines, pliozänic fossils, Pietra
Paesine, toskanic landscape, culture.
"Normandy -
localities of fossils at the coast and in quarries": DIGITAL
A report for friends of fossils, famous
localities(for example the region of Caen and Bayeux,
Viller sur Mer, Dieppe) but also interesting pictures of
the steep coast and about numerous historical monuments
from the Middle Ages till the Second World War.
"Geological and
mineralogical journeys to the South of France":
A report about the landscape of southern France, which is
so rich on geological special qualities, in the
departementes Drome, Languedoc, Hautes Alpes and Provence,
interesting localities of the famous septaries, localities
of fossils in deserted regions, famous nature reserves
(Verdonschlucht, Causses), southern landscape, picturesque
situated villages.
"Castles and
ammonites" - Collecting journeys to the West of
A report about the regiones Touraine and Poitou in the West
of France, the Loire-Valley with famous castles and other
objects of interest and for all about the numerous,
extremely interesting localities of fossils (Jurassic till
Miocenic) in this region of France.
minerals in the North of Spain":
Report about several collecting journeys to the North
of Spain, to the Ebro-Valley and Aragon, famous but also
less known localities (deposits of fluorite in Asturia, the
famous pyrite cubes of Navajun, ancient mines in the
mountains of Picos de Europa, severals deposits of
aragonites, and so on), the impressing landscapes of Spain
- mountains, plateaus, coasts, pictures of minerals.
"Localities of
minerals and fossils in the Czech
Report about several
localities in the north of Bohemia (Bohemian Paradise,
Bohemian Uplands, Erz Mountains), the middle of Bohemia
(for all the die mining region of Pribram and
surroundings), the famous deposits of trilobites from the
Paläozoic of the Prague Basin, pictures of minerals and
fossils, mining history.
"Searching for
quartzcristals in Graubünden": DIGITAL
Report about the
collecting of quartzcristals for all in the Val Schons in
Graubünden, no extreme mountain tours but walking tours in
the high mountain region in scenic wonderful areas,
pictures of minerals, alpine flora.
"Collecting minerals
in Andalusia":
Report about the
diversified landscape of the south of spain, famous cities
like Cordoba or Granada, numerous localities for minerals
and ancient mines, many beautiful minerals and interesting
fossiles, pictures of nature.
This slideshow was actualized after a
new journey 2009!
"On the track of Don
Quijote - collection of minerals in the center of
Journeys through an
interesting landscape, numerous localities of minerals and
fossiles, famous mining areas (e.g. Almadén), windmills and
other sights, pictures of landscape and nature, excursions
to the famous area of pegmatites of Portugal.
"Collecting minerals
in Slowakia":
Journeys through the
interesting landscape of our neighbours, numerous
localities, famous mining areas (e.g. Slowakisches
Erzgebirge), famous sights, pictures of landscape and
nature, mineral-fotos.
"Collecting minerals
in Northern Hungary": DIGITAL PRESENTATION -
Pictures from several
journeys to this region, many localities in different
regions such as Tokaj-mountains, Matra-mountains, numerous
pictures of landscape and minerals.
"Collecting minerals and fossiles in
Western Hungary": DIGITAL
Pictures from several journeys to
this neighbour country, many localities in different
regions such as Bakony-mountains and Donauknie, numerous
pictures of landscape, minerals and fossiles
"Hobby Stone Polishing" – Part 1
Pictures about the hobby stone polishing, processing of
stones, minerals and fossiles, information about sites in
Austria, numerous images of polished and machined artefacts
from the private collection
"Hobby Stone Polishing"
– Part 2 DIGITAL
Pictures about the hobby stone polishing, processing of
stones, minerals and fossiles, information about sites in
neighbour countries, France, Spain, Portugal. Numerous
images of polished and machined artefacts from the private
"Mineralogical Trips through Germany
Pictures about many trips to Germany,
sites in classical regions like Schwarzwald,
Idar-Oberstein, Harz, Sächsiches Erzgebirge or Thüringer
Wald, sights, mining history, landscapes
and lots of mineral pictures